Beverley Howarth

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Element 55 Caesium

The Step Pyramid, built during the reign of the third dynasty king Djoser (c.2613-2686 BC), was the first ever attempted colossal stone structure in history.  Previously ancient Egyptian royal tombs consisted of a single mastaba made of mudbrick, but thanks to the genius of the architect Imhotep, a new type of tomb was developed that consisted of six mastabas on top of one another.

The pyramid has two entrances. The one on its north side is the original entrance dating back to the third dynasty.  The burial chamber lies at the end of a series of corridors, five floors down.  Inside it is a massive pink granite 5.35 x 3.47 metre burial vault 4.73 meters high.  It consists of 32 granite blocks and weighs a total of 176 tons.

The second entrance on the pyramid’s south side was made around two thousand years later when the kings of the twenty-sixth dynasty (525-664 BC) took care of the monuments of their illustrious predecessors. Naturally, Djoser was one of these revered kings of the past and they took measures to renovate his pyramid.  This is evidenced by the stone columns reinforcing the ceiling of the passage that is reached via the pyramid’s twenty-sixth dynasty entrance and the wooden beams used to support the central shaft’s ceiling.  The granite burial vault lies at the bottom of this shaft which is 7 x 7 meters and 28 metres deep.

We activated Caesium here as we were facing the entrance. One felt an awareness of her sixth chakra and had itchy eyes. Another felt feminine, light and nurturing and sensuality. Another felt that the throat had settled and she felt calm and at ease. She could see many beings moving through the stone walls and walking around the land.

Caesium Speaks: I am Caesium and I bring to your life the magical and mystical realms of the universe.  Walk with me and allow yourself to bring profound understanding of these aspects of life.

My Meditation: My eyes are opening to truth improving my ability to see inward and outward with clarity of vision on all levels of reality. I commit to opening my eyes to the mystical realms.

To learn more about this work, check out Bev's ebook "Inner Resonance" at

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