Element 12 Magnesium

Bringing the explosion of energy into creation for the purpose of initiation is the meaning of this image.  The mystical rite of initiation is one we each experience throughout a lifetime.  Balancing the explosive nature of our emotions is an essential practice throughout our lives. Preserving the excitement and invigoration and curbing the aggressions and melancholy of extreme emotional states is critical for a balanced life.

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Element 11 Sodium

The ancient structure of the sphinx is like the salt of the earth.  It is a remnant of ancient times, which seeks to bring depth and solidity to our experience of life on earth.  Sodium brings the energy of being real and standing the test of time and remaining true to the mystery of creation.

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Element 8 Oxygen

I am Oxygen and I am the air that you breathe.  I am essential for life.  I am present within your cells and your blood.  You cannot see me in the air but you can see me in the water.  My bubbles are light and fun.   I am mysterious and bring to you the living mystery.

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Element 6 Carbon

I am Carbon and I bring you the symbol of love.  I emphasise the great value of love and commitment in the form of diamond.   I also bring to you the humble pencil whose graphite provides the function of the written word.  I cover a great expanse from the most precious and expensive jewel known to humanity to the humblest form of writing implement.  I show you the range from complete simplicity to the greatest complexity and I show you the way to bring balance to these parts of yourself.  Flower of Life symbology represents your incarnational journey from spirit into the physical world and I represent this.

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Element 5 Boron

I am Boron and I am present in many foods.  I bring health and vitality to all living beings and the planet.  With my presence in your life your physical experience is much more bountiful and prolific.  I bring the glow of good health and wellbeing to all who live in my balanced environment.

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Element 4 Beryllium

I am Beryllium and I am a unique jewel who changes form as I mature and become more sought after and more valuable with time.  I show the way for all life to become richer and stronger.  As I live in the earth and allow the great Gaia to nurture me, I become more and my innate depths create a change in my appearance and I become more crystalline in structure.  This lightness creates greater value and clarity.

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Element 3 Lithium

I am Lithium and I bring light into the darkness.  I have the ability to aid you in searching your inner world to uncover hidden energy patterns preventing you from moving forward and enjoying your life.  My light is steady and dependable and provides a beacon to lead you forward with confidence.  Lithium will light your way to a more confident, light filled life.  Embrace the light and take the steps necessary to shine it inward to create more joy and love for your life.

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Element 2 Helium

Helium will help you to fly and find the light.  It is always present and brings lightness and joy into life on earth.  Helium brings upliftment to every situation and is always plentiful in supply.  Remember to balance helium within your energy system in order to remain optimistic and filled with joy.

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Element 1 Hydrogen

As the stars fall in the void they create the land.  The land is sacred and reflects the majesty of the heavens.  Alabaster is a stone of the gods and holds the energy of sun and the stars.  Hydrogen represents the creation of a world and holds it manifest throughout eternity.  The message Hydrogen brings is that we too are created from the stars and as such are a sacred manifestation of life.  Remember to hold your heritage of the stars as you tread upon the earth.

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